
College of Life and Applied Sciences


The School of Biotechnology was established in 2004 and nominated as a leading institute at Yeungnam University.

The school educates the principles of biological sciences and the advanced biotechnology covering the research area of microbial, plant, animal, and human sciences. Human and/or veterinary sciences include studies of therapeutics, diagnostics and pathology, and pharmacobiotechnology. The microbial sciences cover the bioprocess technology and the environmental biotechnology.

The School of Biotechnology have specific courses on the bases of animal and human biotechnology, plant biotechnology, biochemistry and bioprocess engineering, and microbial biotechnology to help students to acquire the diverse and in-depth scientific backgrounds. The School of Biotechnology encourages students to develop their own research careers participating in the bioindustries or the bioresearch centers during semesters.

Major of Biotechnology

Biotechnology has gotten spotlight due to its broad but indispensible application on human diseases and health, food products, natural medicine, ecology, bio-energy and resources, bioprocess engineering, etc. Combination of in-depth lectures and laboratory research will disciple students to become professionals leading the biotech industry.

Class curriculum in Freshman and Sophomore emphasizes on genetics, molecular biology, basic biotechnology, embryology, molecular physiology, and biochemistry to get the fundamental knowledges to understand the phenomena of life. The upper class curriculum emphasizes on medicinal biotechnology, genetic engineering, embryology engineering, chemistry of natural products, metabolism, and bioprocess engineering to get the knowledges of the current biotechnology. Many classes will be taught in English to make students more be acquainted with the concept of biotechnology in English. Laboratory classes will help students to get the real laboratory techniques.

All the faculties will consult students in each semester to help their life-direction and to get profession careers, such as medical schools, pharmaceutical schools, university professors, public or industrial researchers, civil or local servants, hospital industry, biotechnical industry, medical or clinical industry, food industry, pharmaceutical industry, cosmetic industry, energy and environmental related industries, and agriculture related industries.

Major of Molecular Life Science

Molecular Life Science is a field of study that researches fundamental phenomena of life at the molecular level trying to find out the answers for the questions such as ‘what kind of chemicals compose an organism?’, ‘what kind of chemical reactions occur within the cells?’, ‘how it over all affects life itself?’ etc.. Since the discovery of DNA double helix model on the proposal of Watson and Crick in 1953, biotechnology has made a surprising advancement letting this field receive a strong spotlight.

The research areas, the Human Genome Project as an example, have not only broadened to explain life but also branched out to the applied field which includes the treatment of cancer, AIDS, and hereditary diseases through various biochemical techniques and gene therapy as well.

The research of Biotechnology field must play a very important role in solving many issues in agriculture, energy, environment and even medicine areas we are facing these days.

Major of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology

Major of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology is one of the most promising fields in bioscience and biotechnology because it rapidly provides innovative technology in bioindustry. The Major of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology first enables students to understand the complex phenomena of microorganisms in nature, and then helps them to explore bioactive materials such as anticancer drugs, vaccines, functional foods, industrial enzymes, or immunotherapeutic agents, through knowledges of the recombinant DNA technology and the advanced bioinformatic tools.

Studies in the Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology include pharmaceuticals, functional fermented foods, personal medicine, bioenergy, agriculture, marine science, environments, bioengineering, etc. A number of highly qualified graduates of the Major of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology have been spread to various bioindustries over the world.


The School of Biotechnology has been established as an independent college since 2004 to educate students to become leaders of the world bioindustries. Experience and learning programs linked with domestic and foreign companies are provided in order to foster outstanding human resources who can easily adapt to any company after graduation. High quality of lectures and laboratory works make students get cutting-edge biotechnology knowledges and techniques.

In 2006, Major of Molecular Life Science and Major of Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology were added to School of Biotechnology to unite similar majors together, resulting in the increased research papers and research funds.

Job Fields

Major of Biotechnology

Biotechnology has many applications in industry and in academia, therefore, the careers after graduating Major of Biotechnology can take many different paths. Students can have any career related to biotechnology or bioscience graduate schools, medical or pharmaceutical graduate schools, national research centers, corporate research centers, bioproduct companies, government public employees, pharmaceutical companies, food companies, hospitals, environmental biotechnology companies, agricultural-bioindustries, and medical institutes.

Major of Molecular Life Science

As molecular life science is the basis of biology industries, which has a great outlook for the 21st century, there must be lots of opportunities for the employment and career in various application fields. Government research centers, pharmaceutical companies, food companies, cosmetics companies, hospitals, medical graduate school, biotechnology companies, and medical institutes are some of the prospective workplaces where students will work as life scientists researching various high tech subjects.

Students can find employment in microbial bioindustries related with pharmaceutical industries, food industries, health industries, green energy industries, farming and fishing industries, environmental industries, hospital laboratories, national research centers, bioventure companies, universities, and medical institutes.


sorted by the position and Korean name


Department Of Medical Biotechnology
  • 1-1,2
    CurriculumThis table demonstrates the curriculum accroding to academic year.
    1- 1
    This is a laboratory course for the General Chemistry (1). Experience of the laboratory increases the ability of the application of the chemistry.
    1- 1
    The General Chemistry(I) introduces the basic concepts of the properties, constitution, structure and the reaction of matters, which is essential in modern chemistry, physics, biology and engineering.
    1- 1
    In this course, students learn the topics of cell biology, structure, and function, reproduction, genetics, physiology, development, diversity, evolution, and ecology. This is an introductory course designed for students who plan to take further coursework in the life sciences, including biology majors and minors, premedical students, wildlife majors, and others. The ultimate aims are to offer students with a working knowledge and an understanding of (1) the chemical basis of life, (2) how energy is harvested, used and transformed in cells, (3) basic patterns of inheritance and modern biotechnology protocols, and (4) the principle of evolution and the origin of species.
    1- 1
    1. Summary of the course This course is to assist university freshmen in CRM designing to adapt university life well through the instruction and counselling of supervising professor. (This course is composed of self analysis, personality type test, career research, instruction for the success of university life, career plan and direction setting, CRM designing method and CRM designing. The course should be teaching in classes of the students by supervising professor.) 2. Course objectives This course is to motivate the students before the mid term exam and provide students with self analysis, personality type test (MBTI or TCI) and career research (YAT test). Also, this course shall has a plan to instruct the students to enhance the efficiency of university life through career and time management. In addition, this course is to make a chance for the students to have practical assistance to university life by providing study method, report designing strategy and the information on academic system and various kinds of internal programs of the university. After the mid term exam, the students will be instructed to set the direction of career designing through continuous counselling of supervising professor and the students will be able to establish CRM designing and execution plan.
    1- 1
    This course is to cultivate community sense as members of society and the global village for students in order to develop the basic knowledge required as global citizens. Especially, this course is to foster the spirit of cooperation, sharing, service, and creativity and study the social contribution and leadership to solving the challenges the global community faces. As a liberal arts course, it is centered to nurture a leader having the global capability to contribute to community development through learning the knowledge and the case on the value & logic of social responsibility focused on environmental preservation, social contribution, and good governance(ESG). This course aims to foster a generous mind, learn knowledge and technology and build the capacity to contribute to building a society towards a safer and happier world through the study of theory and practice.
    1- 1
    Software and AI (Artificial Intelligence) course aims to educate the basic concepts of software and computational thinking to use them in various applications. It allows students of various majors to experience the core technologies of the 4th industrial revolution, such as big data, machine learning, and AI. It also introduces various applications of AI so that students can easily apply these technologies to their field of study. This course classifies the lecture types into three categories, and adjust the lecture difficulty according to the student's academic ability.
    1- 2
    It is a lecture on statistical methods which abstract and summarize information from raw data. Descriptive statistics of which histogram, scatter plot, etc. are main issues and concepts of probability which is the basic paradigm for sample behavior, will be treated. Important concepts in statistical inference will be also covered. Based on these fundamental concepts, testing of the mean, variance and proportion, comparison of two means, correlation analysis, analysis of variance, regression analysis, categorical data analysis, time series analysis, non-parametric methods will be taught. Also students will have laboratories for real data analysis with statistical packages.
    1- 2
    The ability to communicate effectively in speaking and writing is one of the most important skills for educational and career success. This course gives students opportunities to discuss, practice, and eventually master the skills involved in oral and written communication. The topics include theory and practice of effective communication, making speeches, presentation skills, principles of persuasion, and writing skills.
    1- 2
    The aim of the course is to help students develop basic English verbal skills in real life situations. The course will be co-taught by Korean and Native English instructors. Korean instructors will provide students with basic English structure, vocabulary, and expressions, and students will be encouraged to practice speaking English utilizing basic English structures. Students will further practice expressing themselves in English with native English instructors.
    1- 2
    It introduces molecular biology, bioinformatics, genomics, basic concepts of biotechnology to a broad range of subjects including proteomics dealing with biotechnology focusing on medicine.
    1- 2
    This is the introductory course to those who want to major in Medical Biotechnology to provide them a concept of Sex, what occurs in our body to maintain the normal sex, some of the hot issues related to sex. Several topics including meaning of sex, structure and function of reproductive organs in male and female, production of germ cells (sperm or oocyte), synthesis and actions of sex hormone, sex determination, sex chromosome, environmental hormone and sex, sexual diseases etc.
  • 2-1,2
    CurriculumThis table demonstrates the curriculum accroding to academic year.
    2- 1
    Students will have an opportunities to learn experimental theories and techniques that are often used in the molecular biology laboratory. Plasmid DNA purification, Restriciton enzymes, DNA polymease, RNA polymerase, real time RT-PCR, gene cloning, microarray technique, DNA chip assay, DNase I footprinting, DNA sequencing technique, and Western blot techniques will be taught during the course.
    2- 1
    Cell biology begins by general understanding about the cell as cell structure, composition, cycle and life span, mitosis and meiosis, cell formation, membrane structure and function, and mobility etc. The mitochondria and energy flow, chloroplast and photosynthesis, Golgi apparatus and microbodies, endoplasmic reticulum, nucleus and chromosome, DNA and gene expression, and cell biology in medicine and medical. This leads to the understanding for structural and functional characteristics of organelle in the cell, and metabolism and interaction of these organelle.
    2- 1
    This course is designed to help the students understand the key concepts related to human genetics. Following topics will be covered in the classes: molecular basis of the genetics (DNA, Replication, Transcription, Translation etc.), chromosome and chromatin, meiosis, mendelian genetics, genetic map (linkage map and physical map), inheritance of sex-linked gene, X-chromosome inactivation, genomic imprinting, epigenetics, genetic disorder, inheritance of organelle genes, genetics in cancer.
    2- 1
    This is the introductory course to those who want to major in Medical Biotechnology. a variety of topics such as concept of the gene, gene structure, gene expression including transcription and translation, regulation of gene expression, and DNA replication will be discussed. Recent research trend and future research direction will be also covered during the class.
    2- 1
    Organic chemistry lectures about the chemical substances found in living organisms.This course introduces the structure of organic compounds and chemical mechanisms. This course is a pre-requisite for understanding biochemistry and secondary metabolites. Organic chemistry is one of the most important courses for the bio-pharmaceutical industry and biotechnology.
    2- 2
    Human anatomy is the study of human body structure and form, which is required course in Physiotherapy, Radiology, Clinical Pathology, including training courses in all areas of the human body as a target.
    2- 2
    This class will provide introduction of cell biology research methods with instruments for appropriate use and analysis of experimental results.
    2- 2
    This course provides an introduction to the structure and function of molecules, bioenergetics, enzymes, and metabolic pathways. Biochemistry covers basic topics for functional analysis of the complex proteins and nucleic acid machines for cells. The course will also focus on biochemical concepts for biotechnology.
    2- 2
    Whole process of the reproduction will be covered in this class. This course is designed to provide students with the basic concepts for reproductive organs and their develpmental processes, germ cell production, sex determination, and embryo develpement.
    2- 2
    Basic principles of medical biotechnology and pharmaceuticals will be treated. In addition, their industrial as well as clinical application will be introduced.
    2- 2
    There are many reasons to be interested in stem cells, one of the most prominent being their potential use in finding better drugs to treat human disease. This class focuses on how this may be implemented. Recent advances in the production of reprogrammed adult cells and their regulated differentiation to disease-relevant cells are presented, and diseases that have been modeled using these methods are discussed. Remaining difficulties are highlighted, as are new therapeutic insights that have emerged
  • 3-1,2
    CurriculumThis table demonstrates the curriculum accroding to academic year.
    3- 1
    This course provides students the fundamental techniques in biochemical research, including protein purification and analysis, enzyme kinetics. In addition, this course is an experimental course for biochemistry and one of the most important courses for the biotechnology.
    3- 1
    Metabolic biochemistry is basic subject of medical biotechnology. Organisms get around this problem by using different reactions in one or more steps of the overall pathway, depending on whether the reaction is proceeding in a catabolic or anabolic direction. The human liver can both break down glucose for energy and synthesize glucose from food (amino acids, for example). Different reactions and enzymes participate in the catabolic (breakdown) and anabolic (synthetic) directions. The anabolic direction involves the input of energy in the form of ATP hydrolysis. This coupling of ATP hydrolysis to an otherwise unfavored reaction is a general theme in biochemistry.
    3- 1
    Pharmaceuticals for disease therapies and prevention are introduced on molecular levels.
    3- 1
    This course is designed for the students majoring in biotechnology to have them understand the basic concepts of carbohydrate, lipid, and protein synthesis and how these nutrients are metabolized in the cell to produce energy, as well as to be utilized as a component of the cell.
    3- 1
    Animal production includes lecture of breed, physiology, nutrition, reproduction, breeding, industry stature, and field trip as concepts of animal
    3- 1
    Chemical composition of body and mechanism, coordination of body function.
    3- 1
    This class will cover various defense system in human body, the development and activation of the immune system, principles of the immune reaction, background and control of the immune reaction, and the function of antigens.
    3- 2
    Students will performe research for further study and working in industry after graduation.
    3- 2
    This course is oriented to develop and increase the research capacity of the juniors or seniors in the MedicalBiotechnology major. In this course students are subjected to design and carry out a research project, by applying some basic theories and experimental methods. And intimate relationship between the students and the advising professor will be held on analyzing experimental data and performing further experiments.
    3- 2
    Mammals including human develop as an living organism started from fertilized eggs then egg cleavage, differentiation, growth and birth. After birth, metabolism, respiration, movements and reproduction are performed by “hormones” calling living activity. This class will give information about chemical signals secreted from endocrine glands and tissues to students. By understanding the relationship between “endocrinology” in living organisms students will expand their knowledge about mechanisms of diseases and about methods to treat these diseases.
    3- 2
    The objective of this course is designed for the students in the major of Medicalbiotechnology to achieve both the practical knowledge and the experience in the related job fields. Field-based practice plays a major role in the training of professionals in the biotechnology industry. The Field Practice Program provides students with a unique opportunity to apply what they learn in their courses.
    3- 2
    This is the introductory course to neurobiology and discuss about fundamentals of nervous system. Following topics including nerve tissue and neuron, synapsis and neurotransmitter, spinal cord and spinal nerve, brain and cranial nerve, sensory pathway, motor pathway, autonomic nervous system, memory, aging of nervous system, special sense (olfaction, gustation, vision, equilibrium, hearing) will be taught during the classes.
    3- 2
    Understanding of protein production and characterization, analysis of enzymatic activity and optimization for mass production. For industrial application, bioactive protein that have commercial potential such as a medicine, food, cosmetics, will be produced as a bioproducts.
    3- 2
    Students will learn about aging and neurovascular biology. This class is for graduate students. Students also learn methodology using cellular and animal models for the research on senescence, neuronal dysfunction and vascular diseases.
    3- 2
    Fundamentally instrumental mechanism that used for bioscience and biotechnology would be understood from this course, such as a HPLC, GC, Proteome analyzer, electrophoresis, lyophilizer. As well as mechanical operation, knowledge of basic analytical chemistry would be obtained.
  • 4-1,2
    CurriculumThis table demonstrates the curriculum accroding to academic year.
    4- 1
    Students will performe research for further study and working in industry after graduation.
    4- 1
    This course, Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing and Quality Control (2), covers quality assurance (QA) work, quality control (QC) work, management of manufacturing facilities, and various validations for biopharmaceuticals in order to understand the content of biopharmaceutical manufacturing and quality control. This is an important course essential for gaining practical knowledge of the manufacturing process and quality control of biopharmaceuticals, a cutting-edge industry that has recently been in the spotlight.
    4- 1
    Students will be able to understand the molecular mechanisms of cancer development and get an idea how to control the cancer cell growth through the classes. The following topics will be covered in the class; types of cancer and their incidence, molecular mechanism of cancer cell growth and metastasis, genetic basis of cancer, cancer treatment, cancer prevention, cancer diagnosis.
    4- 1
    This course is oriented to develop and increase the research capacity of the juniors or seniors in the MedicalBiotechnology major. In this course students are subjected to design and carry out a research project, by applying some basic theories and experimental methods. And intimate relationship between the students and the advising professor will be held on analyzing experimental data and performing further experiments.
    4- 1
    The objective of this course is designed for the students in the major of Medicalbiotechnology to achieve both the practical knowledge and the experience in the related job fields. Field-based practice plays a major role in the training of professionals in the biotechnology industry. The Field Practice Program provides students with a unique opportunity to apply what they learn in their courses.
    4- 1
    It introduces industries of medicalbiotechnology and its future directions.
    4- 1
    Proteome is all proteins produced by genomes and its analysis may reveal all genes. It will introduce broad range of proteomics.
    4- 2
    This course, Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing and Quality Control (1), covers the characteristics of biopharmaceuticals, quality-based development (QbD), and the cultivation, separation, and purification processes, as well as the formulation and fill & finishing processes, in order to understand the content of biopharmaceutical manufacturing and quality control. This is an important course essential for acquiring practical knowledge on the manufacturing process and quality control of biopharmaceuticals, a cutting-edge industry that has recently been in the spotlight.
    4- 2
    It introduces experimental cell biology.
    4- 2
    It introduces human histology and realted experimental techniques
    4- 2
    It introduces a broad range of vaccine that are important to prevent and threat human diseases.
    4- 2
    Viruses cause serious human diseases and a critical human pathogen. It introduces a broad range of viruses and human diseases cuased by viral infections.
